Here are some things that I own in real life 
    that I want to show you because I'm a weirdo
This is my Korn concert t-shirt from 1998 that my dad gave to me! It's my fave shirt and it's what got me to listen to Korn :D
It looks a lot more old and worn out in real life haha
My collection of Jhonen Vasquez memorabilia! I've actually had about 5 seperate dreams about getting the director's cut of JTHM and
very recently I've atcually got my hands on it! Jhonen Vasquez is like my fave comic artist (like every other mentally ill teenage 
girl lol) and Invader Zim is totally awesome! Next things on my radar are I Feel Sick, Squee, Jellyfist, Everything Can Be Beaten,
and the spooky and Fillerbunny squeaky toys! I should've bought those figures of Zim's robo-parents when I had the chance to tho!

Yes I collect these.......shut up!